Year 2018 / Volume 110 / Number 9
Case Report
Endoscopic closure of tracheoesophageal fistula for tuberculosis with an over-the-scope-clip


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2018.5563/2018

Gabriel Mosquera Klinger, Andrea Holguín-Cardona,

Surgical management has been the main approach for enteral fistulae. This approach is usually complex due to comorbidities, a wasted nutritional state and anatomical difficulties related to prior multiple interventions. Therefore, endoscopic methods such as clips, self-expanding metal stent (SEMS) and recently, the over scope clip (OTSC®) are increasing in popularity and use. Herein, we present the case of a patient with a HIV infection who was admitted due to respiratory symptoms. Radiological and microbiological studies documented a tracheoesophageal fistula due to tuberculosis (TB) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection. Therefore, an esophageal fully-covered stent was placed, which migrated into the stomach. The thoracic surgeons considered an esophagectomy with gastric ascent and muscle patch in the trachea. However, due to his poor nutritional status and comorbidity, an OTSC was placed to treat the fistulae. The patient also received medical treatment with anti-tuberculotics and anti-retrovirals.
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Mosquera Klinger G, Holguín-Cardona A. Endoscopic closure of tracheoesophageal fistula for tuberculosis with an over-the-scope-clip. 5563/2018

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Publication history

Received: 27/02/2018

Accepted: 26/04/2018

Online First: 22/06/2018

Published: 31/08/2018

Article revision time: 52 days

Article Online First time: 115 days

Article editing time: 185 days

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