Year 2024 / Volume 116 / Number 6
Special Article
Strategic analysis and recommendations of the Sociedad Española de Patología Digestiva (SEPD) regarding population-based screening programs for colorectal cancer in Spain


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2024.10458/2024

Agustín Albillos, Fernando Carballo, Javier Crespo, Fernando Alberca on behalf of Grupo de investigadores colaboradores del proyecto «Libro Blanco del Cribado Poblacional de Cáncer Colorrectal en España» de la Sociedad Española de Patología Digestiva (SEPD)*,

* Grupo de investigadores colaboradores del proyecto «Libro Blanco del Cribado Poblacional de Cáncer Colorrectal en España» de la Sociedad Española de Patología Digestiva (SEPD): Fernando Alberca, Sergio Alonso, Javier Amador, Elena Bartolomé, Antonio Buño, Ángel Caunedo, Mar Iglesias, José Díaz Tasende, Blas Flor-Lorente, Noelia Fontanillas, Luis M. De la Fuente, Tamara García, Javier Granda, Jaume Grau, Manuel Hernández- Guerra , Ángel Lanas, Federico Longo, José Martínez, Pedro Pérez, Laura M. Quintás, Eduardo Redondo, Francisco Robles, Adolfo Suárez, Carlos I. Tourné, Juan Turnes, Vicenzo Vigorita, Antonio Zapatero

Introduction: population-based screening programs are effective to reduce colorectal cancer-related mortality and incidence. However, given their complex development, sound organization and design do not warrant success. This study provides a strategic analysis of the Spanish programs, as well as recommendations in an attempt to contribute to their optimization. Methods: a multidisciplinary panel of researchers, supported by the Sociedad Española de Patología Digestiva (SEPD), has performed a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis, from which a proposal of recommendations was developed; their adequacy was judged using an adapted version of the RAND/UCLA method. Results: 5 weaknesses, 3 threats, 5 strengths and 5 opportunities were identified, and a total of 15 recommendations were developed emphasizing aspects with room for improvement in program orientation, particularly the need to increase participation, fight variability and inequities, improve information processes and systems quality, ensure specific, adequate funding, and evaluate health results. Conclusion: promoting an operational collaboration framework between all the public health and care levels involved should facilitate effective communication with society regarding the benefits of taking part in population screening programs while persuading decision and policy makers of the critical importance of taking an active, determined stance regarding its implementation.
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Albillos A, Carballo F, Crespo J, Alberca F. Strategic analysis and recommendations of the Sociedad Española de Patología Digestiva (SEPD) regarding population-based screening programs for colorectal cancer in Spain. 10458/2024

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Received: 05/04/2024

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