Year 2021 / Volume 113 / Number 9
Pneumoperitoneum and COVID-19. A causal association?


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2021.7877/2021

Antonio Jesús Láinez Ramos-Bossini, Regina Gálvez López, Miguel Ángel Pérez Rosillo,

We read with great interest the letter from Pérez Naranjo et al. regarding the case we recently published in this journal. We believe that the case presented by the authors is undoubtedly useful as it contributes to the scarce existing casuistry on the relationship between COVID-19 and the development of pneumatosis/pneumoperitoneum. We would like to emphasize the difficulty of determining the causality of this association due to the frequent co-occurrence of other causes that could justify the presence of pneumatosis/pneumoperitoneum.
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Láinez Ramos-Bossini A, Gálvez López R, Pérez Rosillo M. Pneumoperitoneum and COVID-19. A causal association?. 7877/2021

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Received: 08/02/2021

Accepted: 09/02/2021

Online First: 22/02/2021

Published: 07/09/2021

Article Online First time: 14 days

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