Year 2019 / Volume 111 / Number 11
Special Article
Elimination of hepatitis C. Positioning document of the Spanish Association for the Study of the Liver (AEEH)


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2019.6700/2019

Javier Crespo, Albillos Albillos, María Buti, José Luis Calleja, Javier García Samaniego, Manuel Hernández Guerra, Trinidad Serrano, Juan Turnes, Enrique Acín, Juan Berenguer, Marina Berenguer, Joan Colom, Inmaculada Fernández, Conrado Fernández Rodríguez, Xavier Forns, Federico García, Rafael Grandados, Jeffrey Lazarus, José María Molero, Esther Molina, Fernando Pérez Escanilla, Juan A. Pineda, Manuel Rodríguez, Manuel Romero, Carlos Roncero, Pablo Saiz de la Hoya, Gloria Sánchez Antolín,

The Spanish Association for the Study of the Liver (AEEH) is convinced that the elimination of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in Spain is possible as long as we are able to use the resources and tools necessary for it. This document reflects the position of the AEEH regarding the elimination of HCV, establishing a wide range of recommendations that can be grouped into five categories: 1) Screening of HCV according to age, of the existence of classic acquisition risk factors of infection, active search of previously diagnosed patients and development of microelimination strategies in vulnerable populations; 2) Simplification of HCV diagnosis (one-step diagnosis and diagnosis at the point of patient care); 3) Simplification of patient treatment and improvement of care circuits; 4) Health policy measures, and, finally, 5) Establishment of HCV elimination indicators.
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Crespo J, Albillos A, Buti M, Calleja J, García Samaniego J, Hernández Guerra M, et all. Elimination of hepatitis C. Positioning document of the Spanish Association for the Study of the Liver (AEEH). 6700/2019

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Accepted: 24/10/2019

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Published: 07/11/2019

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